Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Open Book

Are you an open book or a closed one? An open book is someone who is generally open when it comes to socialising, sharing personal stories, etc. A closed book is someone who generally takes longer to open up and trust people.
I'd probably have to say I'm somewhere in between. Most people are. I guess we sort of lean towards one or the other, though. Or maybe it depends on the situation. 

It's okay to be either one - with certain limits, obviously. Like if you're an open book, don't share your deepest secrets with someone you've only just met. If you're a closed book, don't be afraid to tell someone if you're being abused. 
There are smaller things, though. Things like,

Don't gossip/don't let people gossip about you
Don't open up to everyone you meet/take the opportunity to meet someone new
Let people get a word in/respond every now and then and try to share your thoughts

I guess it's all about figuring out who you are. What you're like. What your interests are. That sort of thing. It's also a good idea to look out for and be kind to others, no matter what kind of person you are.


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