Monday, April 16, 2012


How much time do you spend doing nothing? You might think you're busy all the time, but if you think about it, there's at least half an hour in your day that you're doing absolutely nothing. For example.

When you wake up at 6am, half an hour early, and can't get back to sleep.
When you sit on the bus for an hour, doing nothing, because your iPod's flat and you left your book at home.
When you're walking to and from classes on your own.
When you're walking to the bus on your own. It might only take 40 seconds, but that's time spent doing nothing but walking.
When you sit on the bus, on the way home, with the same problem you had in the morning. 
When you do nothing but stand in the shower for ten minutes because the water's so warm. 
When you lie in bed for ages, thoughts swirling around in your head. 

See, there's so much time in one day where we do absolutely nothing. Or, at least, where we don't have to concentrate on talking to people or doing our work or whatever. 
This spare time should be spent talking to God. I know it, and I hope you know it. Yet ... it's easier said than done. To be honest, thinking about spending every spare minute of my time talking with God seems kind of, well, am I game enough to say it? Boring. There. I said it. It sounds kind of boring. 

I know it's hard. I also know it's worth it. I guess it really comes down to you, not God. You can choose to take that time to talk to Him, or you can choose not to. He gave us a choice. He's not controlling us, but He's also not leaving us to our own destruction. He'll come to your aid if you ask for it. He'll listen if you talk to Him. But you have to take that first step

That's the key. Jumping in the deep end. Leaving Him to make you swim.


  1. Good spiritual blog.
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    1. Thanks! :)
      and I'll be sure to follow your blog.


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