I love writing. Always have. I could write for a living. I want to write for a living. I enjoy writing stories, poems, and songs. I also enjoy writing on this blog.
I don't know why I love writing so much. I do know that I think very vividly, though. I'm always daydreaming and imagining things.
I remember more dreams than some people I know. Sometimes I go for ages where I remember a dream from pretty much every night.
I also remember a lot about writing, without even thinking about it. Like spelling weird words, or remembering where to put commas, or knowing when to start a paragraph. I mean, I sometimes get it wrong, which is only natural. But I think I have this gift of taking in a lot about grammar and punctuation and stuff.
Stuff. What a nice word. Well it's 8:49pm and I didn't go to bed 'til 10pm last night so you can't blame me for ranting on a bit and using nice little words like 'stuff'.
Anyway, I guess we all have our own talents. One of mine is remembering writing ... stuff. What are your talents? We all have them, whether you've found yours or not!
And anyway, it's kind of a good thing to not know your talents. Well, I think so anyway. Because then there's way more variety of what God can call you to do. Like, say you loved building things, but God called you to be a doctor. You'd be really sad to let go of your other dream of becoming a builder of some sort. Whereas if you've got absolutely no idea, and you're open to anything, well, it's not going to be so hard.
Okay, I'll shush now. Have a nice day!
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