I hate racism. This is the one thing I could go on and on and on about. I have friends that are from different backgrounds, of different colours, etc. and they are just the same as any other friend. They eat, they sleep, they tell good jokes.
Some Asians are amazing drawers. Some Indians cook the most delicious meals. Some Africans are the best rappers. No, let me rephrase that. You'd be hell lucky to find a good rapper who isn't African.
See, we all have unique talents. Some cultures are generally better at things than others. Some just aren't. But even with all our individual talents and cultural backgrounds, we still make fun of Asian eyes. We still make fun of dark skin. We still ridicule, point at, laugh at people who are made of the same stuff we are.
Did you know that we all have the potential to look like someone from a different country? There's like, a bunch of genes from all your ancestors, but your more dominant genes are from the people closest to you, like your parents. So for instance, my great (x6 or 7) grandma was Aborginial, so that's probably where I get my brown eyes from. The brown eye gene would have passed down since then, and there would be less and less of a chance of me having blue or hazel or grey eyes. But those genes, which would come before the grandmother, would still be there, just very, very small.
So honestly, when people are racist, they're really being offensive towards their ancestors, and even to themselves. And what is the point of racism, really? To make yourself look good? Because you're afraid of 'different'? Because your friends do it? Those are poor excuses for making someone feel bad about the way they look. What if they ended up committing suicide because no one accepted them for who they are? You might think that could never happen, that you'd never be so cruel. But one thing leads to another, and soon enough, reality hits like an unexpected tsunami.
What will you do when that reality hits? Or will you prevent yourself from drowning?
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